From the course: Creating Success from Failures

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Managing expectations

Managing expectations

- So when I began my career in HR, I carried with me all these expectations, these beliefs of how I was going to jump right in and do all these amazing things within the first year. As you guess, that didn't happen. And as silly as it sounds now, I was pretty discouraged. That was until I realized I was the one who set my own self up for disappointment. My expectations were greater than my reality, the reality that I was a newbie in the HR field, the reality that I didn't have a full grasp of all the laws, policies and practices within the department. That experience helped me realize the importance of managing my expectations so I could focus on growing and being a contributing member of the team. To help you avoid unnecessary disappointment, I want to share with you three measures that can assist you in turning what you expect into goals you can achieve. Now, a great way to manage expectations is to clearly define your…
