From the course: Creating Success from Failures

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Beating the blame game

Beating the blame game

- In my profession, I'm responsible for successfully delivering hundreds of leadership workshops annually. One of the critical messages I communicate in those workshops is when facing adversity, don't look for something or someone to blame. There's two reasons why. The first is blaming is a natural knee jerk reaction to stress, which can cause even more confusion and frustration. Second, blaming is all about condemning and finding fault in people, ourselves, or situations. So overall, what blame really is, is it's like a game of dodgeball but instead of dodging balls we're dodging accountability. And no matter how great we are, eventually without notice what we're avoiding is going to smack you right in the face. To help you avoid the blame game and be accountable I want to share with you three dependable ways that can help you stop finding fault and begin taking action for beneficial results. Now, the first step in…
