From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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Poetry lock and install

Poetry lock and install

- Once you run the install command, poetry installs all the dependencies and creates a file called poetry.lock. Notice that when we specify our dependencies we may only set a criteria for the needed version rather than specifying an exact version. So during install, after poetry finds the exact compatible version for you, it adds that information for every dependency installed in the poetry.lock file. Therefore, it is highly recommended to keep this poetry.lock file around, so make sure to add it on commit to your git repository, or whatever version control system you use. It will be needed if you want to preserve the exact environment that you have with this project, and it is essential when installing your project in a new environment. Imagine you have to reinstall your environment because you have a new computer, or your colleague is picking up your project and wants to set up the same environment in their computer.…
