From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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Introduction to your project

Introduction to your project

- Our project is a simple command line application written in Python. Let's have a quick look at what it does before looking at the code. Before we run the application we can enter our poetry environment or add the poetry run command before the Python command you want to run. For example, I may want to run the reminder of py files help command, (typing) but since we are going to execute multiple commands, I prefer to enter the environment first instead of adding the poetry run every time. So I type poetry shell to enter the poetry environment and now I run the command to add a reminder. (typing) To list the reminders, I use the list command. And to add a task with a deadline, I use the add command with deadline option. Let's list them again and we see that the task which has passed the deadline is shown in red. Now, to mark something as done, we used a done command like this: (typing) and list them. To see…
