From the course: Construction Technology: Establishing ROI

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Calculating ROI of IOT devices for a contractor

Calculating ROI of IOT devices for a contractor

From the course: Construction Technology: Establishing ROI

Calculating ROI of IOT devices for a contractor

- [Instructor] What excites me most about internet-enabled devices on a construction site is the potential. with seemingly limitless applications, it's almost difficult finding where to start creating value. The promise of live streamed information could be leveraged for reducing your schedules, reducing waste and increasing productivity, and those do not have to be mutually exclusive. When I evaluate technology to decide if it's worth investing in, I ask myself if it increases efficiency, improves quality or allows us to do something we could not have done otherwise. The more times I say yes, when evaluating a particular piece of technology, the more likely it is a good idea. A growing trend in IoT usage for construction is embedding sensors into concrete during the curing process. When I first heard about this I thought, "Wow! That would really improve quality of buildings." Knowing that the structural concrete…
