From the course: Computer and Text Neck Stretching Exercises

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Lengthening of breath

Lengthening of breath

- Hi I'm Baxter and today I want to work with you on lengthening your breath as a way to bring you more in tune with your head and your neck and that general area of your body. So it's a very simple technique but what you need to do first is you need to notice how you're sitting in your chair, if you're sitting, and I want you to sit near the front edge of your chair. If you're standing then go ahead and come to a sitting position because I think that the sitting position will work better for this particular practice. Also, as you sit near the front edge of your chair position your feet so they're right underneath your, your feet are right underneath your knees. And then from your sitting bones up to the crown of your head create a nice inner lift. So I call this inner lift that you establish anytime you're doing almost anything in a sitting position. I call that the prime directive. Now I know that you out there in robotics will say that's not actually the prime directive, Baxter…
