From the course: Computer and Text Neck Stretching Exercises

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Chicken neck and Vulcan mind meld

Chicken neck and Vulcan mind meld

- Hi, I'm Baxter, and I hope you're ready for some fun 'cause today we're going to play around with the neck a little bit with something I call the Chicken Neck. That's one practice, and then I'm also going to share with you something called the Self Vulcan Mind Meld. So let's start with Chicken Neck because if you like a lot of people I know these days tend to kind of walk around like this a lot and the head's already dropped forward, the neck's kind of getting stuck in that position a little bit. So instead of just pecking forward, we ought to think about drawing it back and in. So what I love about chickens is when they walk, every step they take, they have that little pulsation of the neck and the head. So let's play with that a little bit. So, you might inhale and let your chin come forward and then exhale and suck it back in. So inhale and exhale. So it's like the little peck action and then a retraction action. So you can feel when you do that how the chest and the spine…
