From the course: Color Trends

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Peach Fuzz in marketing

Peach Fuzz in marketing

From the course: Color Trends

Peach Fuzz in marketing

One of the biggest challenges people may encounter is leveraging color psychology beyond a one dimensional approach. This means considering how you pair colors will shift or enhance your message. When we embed color psychology into marketing and branding, we can't rely on generic color charts that say what? Blue, yellow, green, red, et cetera symbolize because that meaning can change depending on what you pair it with. Plus, you'll need to consider cultural considerations for your colors, which I cover in my "Color and Cultural Connections" course on LinkedIn Learning. So how can you use Peach Fuzz in marketing and branding? It's about connecting emotion with context to deliver a memorable experience for your audience. We're wired to connect to color first, and when we combine that with our other senses, our connection increases beyond its fuzzy appeal. This hue indulges our senses. Even if you work in digital formats, Peach Fuzz will allow you to achieve stunning texture effects to…
