From the course: Color Trends

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Best practices for using Classic Blue

Best practices for using Classic Blue

From the course: Color Trends

Best practices for using Classic Blue

- [Instructor] There are hues that hold certain meanings, and when paired with other hues, that meaning can shift. Because Classic Blue is a grounding shade, it can pair easily with others. This opens a world of possibilities, and I know, too many options can feel overwhelming, so here's what you can try when using Classic Blue. You want to lead your color pairings with the emotions you want others to feel. This will create a connection with your brand and how others feel about it. The hue you use the most will create the dominant emotion, so consider if you want Classic Blue to be your primary or secondary or even accent palette. If you use Classic Blue on printed materials, test a substrate as a color can shift from one surface to another. And it will also shift from screen to print. And if you're using this hue in your home or office space, painting an entire room and filling it with Classic Blue may easily become a sensory overwhelm situation, so just like your branded elements…
