From the course: Choosing a Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mongo, and Cloud

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MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench

- [Instructor] While Postgres has pgAdmin as its own GUI tool, created by the pgAdmin development team, MySQL has the MySQL Workbench. The MySQL Workbench like the MySQL database was developed by Oracle. It is generally considered to be a much easier to use GUI tool than pgAdmin. Both pgAdmin and MySQL only support their respective SQL dialects. Unlike other tools we'll see you later on in this course, MySQL and Postgres don't support their own BI tools or business intelligence tools. Newer data platforms have since realized the need for data visualization and try to accommodate more reporting needs. However, since MySQL and Postgres have been around for a very long time, relatively speaking, in the database world, it really doesn't matter that they don't have their own data visualization tools. There are many universal database managers such as DataGrip, Dbeaver, and JetBrains, that allow you to connect to multiple…
