From the course: Choosing a Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mongo, and Cloud

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MySQL explore

MySQL explore

- [Narrator] MySQL is a well know open source relational database. Built by Oracle, it's an open source product know for being a top choice for web applications since it is a standard in the LAMP stack. The LAMP stack is a term used for a set of open source software used for websites and other web applications. It includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. MySQL is know for being reliable and having fast performance speeds compared to other databases. And of course, it's free. Unlike Mongo, which is a non-relational database, and Postgres, which is an object relational database. MySQL is purely a relational database with it's sole advantages and disadvantages. The key differentiator is that the object relational database stores data and objects. Whereas relational database stores data and entities. Or tables. Because relational databases are designed to be more simple and naturally does not have as many features as Postgres.…
