From the course: Customer Experience (CX) Strategy: How to Design an Organizational Approach

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CX in brand positioning and messaging

CX in brand positioning and messaging

- [Announcer] Whether you're representing an entirely new brand, or working with a seasoned one, your work on brand messaging and positioning should never be a one-time process. In fact, while nearly half of marketers surveyed believe that their company's foundational brand elements have made a significant impact on growth, only about one in three consider adapting their brand and brand messaging strategies as a critical part of their overall marketing approach. Even stranger, only a third plan on investing in market research to help them make key changes to their brand messaging and strategy. They believe the brand work they've already done has driven results and established strong relationships with consumers. So, they can now take their metaphorical foot off the gas pedal. But, as we've discussed in previous lessons, the modern consumer is changing at a rapid pace. Like people, a brand's strength lies in its…
