From the course: Cultivating a Growth Mindset (2018)

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Purposeful practice and play

Purposeful practice and play

- Developing a growth mindset doesn't just happen. Even watching this video won't make it happen. The only way to ensure you develop and then maintain a growth mindset is to practice developing the skills associated with a growth mindset on purpose. You need to practice developing your skills, abilities, and confidence on purpose, and you need to find a good reason to engage in that practice. Putting yourself in situations where you know you'll face obstacles but you'll learn something from the situation is a purposeful approach. You may experience some challenges and some discomfort, but you know there's a reason for it. The experience will help to develop your long-term growth mindset, and really that's what a purpose is, an important reason for behaving in a certain way. Understanding that no experience is wasted, if you can take something from it, is also a key part of developing your growth mindset. Looking at the experience of learning as you go, trialing news ways of doing…
