From the course: Cultivating a Growth Mindset (2018)

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It's all in the flexible mind

It's all in the flexible mind

- If you want to develop a growth mindset, you need to be flexible in how you approach challenges and how you take steps to achieve your goals and targets. A flexible mindset helps you to tweak your perspective to look at challenges as opportunities and failures as essential steps on the path of learning and development. Flexibility and adaptability are also the key when it comes to enhancing personal creativity and innovation, which are key attributes associated with a growth mindset. What does it take to create a flexible thinking style? There are four key factors. First, acceptance. This means accepting past events that haven't gone so well and accepting that you may make mistakes as you learn and develop. Second, set clear goals, but be flexible in how you achieve them. It's important to work towards goals when developing a growth mindset. However, it's also important to understand there may be many ways to achieve a goal. This helps you to realize that it may not be a straight…
