From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Modeling the sofa

Modeling the sofa

- (Instructor) Well, I guess since I've cleaned up the outliner a bit, I should go ahead and clean this up, as well. I've left these hanging out here as cubes, without being named properly or put in a collection. So let's select one of these and I'll just hit F2. And let's call this Endtable01 and this one here, we'll call Endtable02. And then let's select both of these and let's press the M key and let's create a new collection. We'll call it furniture and we'll put these in it. So now we've got that new collection with our objects in that collection. So now let's think about how to create this sofa. I've got a couple of other images we can use. I'm going to go ahead and click on the scene collection at the top here. And so anything we create will go into there and then I'm just going to drag over all those icons and hide everything. Now let's see what we can find in terms of reference images. I've got this image here of…
