From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Inserting the door frames

Inserting the door frames

- [Instructor] All right, let's get the doorframe set up. I'll take this one and maybe slide it over here, and let's hit the period key and zoom in. And I just want to put it right into here. Let's go to the top view and wireframe and look at where we can put it, maybe right about here. Now we're going to have to move these walls back just a smidge. So let's go ahead and do that. I'll select the walls and let's grab this face here, right there and move it back just a little bit like that. Let's grab this one and move it back to here, right about like that. Now what we should do is insert some edge loops so we can extrude this or bridge edge loops across the top of the door. So let's press Control + R and click and let's drag up to here like that. And yeah, that went around to the other side. That's good. And then let's press Control + R and do the same thing here like that. And that went over to the other side as well…
