From the course: BIM: Designing Sustainable HVAC Systems with Revit

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Running systems analysis

Running systems analysis

- [Instructor] Systems Analysis is a simulation that runs on energy plus integration with Revit, which is a replacement to the ODA workflow of performing heating and clean loads calculations in Revit. Everything we've been doing so far in this chapter is to prepare a model for the simulations. In this video, we'll run systems analysis to generate actionable insights into the loads and equipment sizing requirements of the various spaces in the facility. So open the file using the previous video, or systems analysis in the chapter one exercise files folder. To launch Revit, navigate the exercise files from the chapter one folder. Open this file, systems analysis, which I have here. Next, go to the analyze ribbon from the energy optimization panel, launch a systems analysis dialogue. Two simulation workflows come with Revit out of the box, and they are Annual Building Energy Simulation and HVAC Systems Loads and Sizing. Our focus on this course is the second one. So on the systems…
