From the course: BIM: Designing Sustainable HVAC Systems with Revit

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Defining system zones

Defining system zones

- [Instructor] So far we've prepared the project and laid the groundwork for creating analytical systems. Analytical systems help designers conceptualize and analyze the mechanical requirements of a facility without modeling or coordinating any geometries for the systems at early design stages. Ultimately, systems analysis produces detailed reports with insights on loads, equipment sizing, and other spatial requirements that segue into detailed design, offering a more agile approach to mechanical system design and resulting in more sustainable and functional spaces. In a typical facility, HVAC zones help to group spaces based on their service and equipment requirements. Similarly, during conceptual design, system zones help group analytical spaces based on their analytical systems and zone equipment commonalities. In this video, we'll define the system zones for our project. This project is a residence originally comprising independent zones, serviced by packaged terminal air…
