From the course: Building High-Performance Teams

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Defining core competencies

Defining core competencies

- Once you've defined your organization's vision and mission, you have to be able to link it to the initiatives you're going to pursue. Otherwise, it ends up just being often the ether, and nobody uses it, and you end up pursuing a strategy that is inconsistent with where you're trying to go. So the way you do that is you first have to define your core competencies because they will help you understand where you should compete and the types of initiatives you should pursue. Second, you need to articulate a set of strategic filters, and those are the key seven or eight criteria you're going to use for evaluating initiatives to pursue or not pursue. Once those filters are developed, you need to run all your initiatives through them to understand the relative priority of what you're going to pursue. Prioritization is then going to help you define the organizational structure, as well as the resources you're going to need to complete those initiatives. Now, I mentioned core competencies…
