From the course: ArcGIS Pro Essential Training

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Using Arcade for labels

Using Arcade for labels

- [Instructor] Arcade is a scripting language for making expressions inside of ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise and Portal. In this case, we're going to use it for making advanced labels inside of Pro. Let's add some data now. Under Data, Nanaimo, drag and drop the parcels into our current map. We're going to label these parcels with the address. So let's zoom in so we can see some of the parcels. There we are. About 3,000 scale works pretty well. We're going to go into the labeling and we're going to label using the house number. Now notice the house number has no R because it was truncated 'cause it came from a shape file and shape files can only have 10 digit columns whereas this is a geo database and I could actually go in and fix it if I wanted to. So I've turned on house number and click Label. There, every house has a number on it. Now if I zoom out, it gets very busy and I don't think we can see…
