From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX

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Track masks in Motion

Track masks in Motion

- [Instructor] Since the task of creating transparency is often a long process when we manually key frame masks, we can look to automated means to help us speed up our workflow in After Effects. In this shot I have a robot who's revealing his true nature, and this is comprised of several different elements. Let's go ahead and take a look at how this was built. So from the ground up, I have the inside portion of this robot's head. On top of that I have a face. On top of that I have this original plate of the actor and his face and it's actually cut out. There's transparency here that reveals the robot face. So it's this that we're going to to be tackling. But you'll see that as we put this on top of our robot face. We have 3D layer, this is a cinema 4D layer that is essentially just the face itself being pulled off. On top of that, we have two layers for the hands, the index finger and the thumb there. So altogether it creates…
