From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX

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Keylight 101

Keylight 101

- [Narrator] Keylight is arguably the best keying available in the default installation of after-effects. It's generally my first stop for any keying needs I have as it tends to get me great results quickly. Here in this movie, we'll examine a few of its main settings. In this composition, I've got a plate of actors on a green screen and behind it we've got a plate of a background for the warehouse that these actors are going to sit in. The idea here is that we'll key out these actors and we'll duplicate them shrink them down and create a crowd with them. So, first things first, let's go ahead and remove this area here. This pole in this patch of ground here with some garbage masks. Let's go ahead and select layer one. We'll switch over to our rectangle tool and we'll just click and drag and get rid of that pole. Now, let's switch over our mask from the add mode to subtract mode, and then we'll do the same thing for…
