From the course: Advanced Power BI: DAX Language, Formulas, and Calculations

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FILTER DAX function

FILTER DAX function

- [Instructor] In creating DAX formulas, including measures, I'd recommend first thinking about filtering the data tables, and then performing calculations on those active rows in the filtered table. There are two input parameters for the FILTER function. The first is the table or column we want to filter over. The second parameter is the filter condition we want to apply to the table in the first parameter of the same function. Examples of where we would use the FILTER function include setting filter conditions where a column equals a measure, a formula or another column. We can also use the FILTER function and filter conditions where a measure equals another measure, a formula or a fixed value. The filter function enables us to perform more complex filtering operations in our DAX calculations. Try to see if the formula works without FILTER though first, then add it when it is needed. One example in our Power BI…
