From the course: Advanced Power BI: DAX Language, Formulas, and Calculations

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- [Instructor] One really useful date and time intelligence DAX function for filtering is DATESBETWEEN. It's an elegant filtering function we can use within a lot of DAX formulas like those for creating measures. There are three parameters for the DATESBETWEEN DAX function. The date field is the dates field or column we want to expand our filters over. The second parameter is the start date which is the measure or date from which the first date of our expanded filter begins. Lastly, we conversely want to provide an end date in the third parameter for the expanded date filter similar to what we use for the start date in this same filter function. DATESBETWEEN is a DAX filter function specifically for dates that lets us expand the date range on a date field between the specified start and end date which can be DAX measures themselves. In Power BI, let's create a new measure that uses the DATESBETWEEN function to expand the…
