From the course: Advanced Cyber Threat Intelligence

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Visual analysis

Visual analysis

- [Alyssa] Hello, and welcome to the third lesson from the module, Campaign Analysis. In this lesson, we are going to learn another method or technique used for campaign analysis, which is visual analysis. In this lesson, we are going to learn some of the common aspects of visual analysis. We are going to start with a quick introduction to visual analysis. We will see how it can be useful for campaign analysis, why is graph visualization so important, and how it can help businesses sift through large amounts of complex data. And we will finish this lesson by enumerating some tools that are offering visual analysis. Over the last years, the number of IT security incidents has been constantly increasing among companies. In order to keep pace with this development, there is a necessity for ever improving protective measures. As single entities are no longer able to handle the vast amount of possible attack scenarios,…
