From the course: Advanced Cyber Threat Intelligence

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Private data sources part 2

Private data sources part 2

- [Instructor] Now let's move to the third type and final type of private data sources, threat intelligence platforms. Threat intelligence platform is defined as a piece of software or provider's portal, typically developed by security vendor, which organizes one or more feeds into single stream of threat intelligence and that you can use in order to get alerts and manipulate data. Most of these platforms offer a set of benefits that looks like this. They combine thousands of feeds into single location. They enable you to receive alerts in real times. They can normalize feed data. They remove duplicates, enable user-set rules, et cetera. They can be integrated with SIEM solution or firewalls, et cetera. They can create reports, and some of the platforms can also include a feature of a sandbox. Here is an example, Anomali ThreatStream platform. Now, when it comes to advantages and disadvantages of these platforms,…
