From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

Rigging with Flexi Bones

- [Instructor] With Animate 2023, the asset warp tool has a new bone type called Flexi bone that allows finer bezier control to warp the bone exactly the way you want. Let's have a look in our library here. I've got this fish prepared. It's a png file, so this is a bitmap image. Let's drag an instance of this onto our stage in the fishy layer. There we go. We'll switch back to our properties panel and choose the asset warp tool. The asset warp tool can be used on either vector content or bitmap content. If we look at our tool options, and we want to create the type of bone called Flexi bone, this is the new bone type. From here, we can click on any part of the object and a mesh is applied just like usual. And if we go ahead, we can move throughout the body and click drag just like you would with the pen tool in order to create bezier handles and anchor points all along the fish body. Once these bones are created, we can, of course, use these bezier handles to modify exactly how they influence the mesh. Holding down the alt or option key allows us to break handles from one side to the other to control them independently. Once bones have been created, either as Flexi bone, or any other type, you can of course go into the warp options for your object. And selecting that bone, change it to a Soft bone, a Hard bone, or a Flexi bone. Flexi bones provide fine control over the behavior of bones within your warped object rigs.
