From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Animating with shape tweens

Animating with shape tweens

- [Instructor] We want the sun to move slowly behind the mountains and eventually disappear. This would take a lot of effort using frame by frame animation, and it likely wouldn't be very smooth. So we'll leverage one of the many twinning mechanisms within anime to accomplish this in a more efficient way. Let's go ahead and lock down our shimmer layer. And if we play this back, we can see that we've got key frames for the shimmer layer that extend all the way, to the six second Mark. We want to focus on the sun layer. So we'll go ahead and unlock that. And with that layer selected, we can step backward to the previous key frame on our active layer which is the sun layer, which takes us back to frame one because that's the only place a key frame exists right now. So here's the sun. And since we have auto key framing still on all we need to do is go over to where we want the sun animation to stop which in this case is going to be at before second Mark. So I'm going to do a few things…
