From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Edit grading objects

Edit grading objects

- Now that you've learned how to create grading objects, let's take a look at editing them. We have the pond that we created in the previous video and we want to make some changes to it. The first change we want to make is to actually change the shape of the pond. You know, what if we had more area that we can work with or we need to increase the volume or any reason that we might want to change the shape. You might think that would be a difficult thing to do because of how things are all linked together and how many different grading objects we have in play. But you're about to see just how easy it is. I'm going to click the green feature line that defines the inside edge of the pond. And if you remember, this is kind of the feature line that all of our grading objects are based from. I'm going to click this top right corner, drag it over and snap it to the center of the circle. And after a bit of a pause for Civil 3D to…
