From the course: AutoCAD: Developing A Prefab Unit

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Setting up prefab unit template drawing (DWT)

Setting up prefab unit template drawing (DWT) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Developing A Prefab Unit

Setting up prefab unit template drawing (DWT)

- [Instructor] More often that not, prefabricated units tend to be repetitive and of the same size. They're a bit like Lego bricks, if you get my drift. They're all the same size and you stack them on top of one another in something like a multistory building like a hotel, for example. All the hotel rooms will have the same sort of layout and orientation, and you tend to just drop them in piece by piece and they're prefabricated off-site so they're just craned in a dropped in. So services provision, connecting all the services together, is quick and easy. Now, if that's the case, you don't want to have to keep drawing a structural grid with a setting out point like you've got in the structuralgrid.dwg file. What you want there is an AutoCAD template, a DWT file set up and ready to go. So if you've already got your local grid like this all set up and ready to go and you've also, more importantly, got, in the layout tab…
