From the course: AutoCAD: Developing A Prefab Unit

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Extruding structural openings

Extruding structural openings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Developing A Prefab Unit

Extruding structural openings

- [Instructor] So we're staying in our preparing for 3D .dwg file. And what we're going to do now in our 3D environment, is we're going to extrude our structural openings. Now at the moment, they're just closed 2D polylines, but as soon as we extrude them, they become a 3D solid, which is why we've stayed in this 2D Wireframe visual style, because, if we didn't, we wouldn't be able to see through them and see the other elements in our prefabricated unit model. So we're going to zoom in on the door opening first. So that's here, in our isometric view. So I'm going to zoom in nice and close. Now you'll see that the door is obviously above, remember we put it 50 millimeters above. Now a typical metric height of a door is two meters or 2000 millimeters, but we need to make sure that the structural opening also includes that floor level of 50 millimeters as well. So it needs to go up by 2050 millimeters. So what we need to do is…
