From the course: Organizing Your Remote Office for Maximum Productivity

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Plan ahead to avoid disruption

Plan ahead to avoid disruption

(upbeat music) - I love lists. This productivity habit goes into overdrive when I am traveling for work. It's the key to being efficient and setting up a plan to get more done. But it starts before you step foot onto a plane or a train. Here's how to plan ahead so you can avoid workflow disruption. First, take a look at your calendar for the days that you'll be traveling. Make a note of all the tasks you'll need to do. Second, create a to-do list after you evaluate what's on the calendar. Traveling takes a huge amount of energy no matter how seasoned a traveler you are. It's easy to get worn out, discombobulated, and distracted. So I suggest making a daily to-do list to keep yourself on-track. Now, think through, if you really need to do all of those tasks or if some of them can wait until after you've returned from the trip. Third, create a list of tasks to do when you're on a plane or on a train. It's so easy…
