From the course: Organizing Your Remote Office for Maximum Productivity

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Video studio makeover

Video studio makeover

(upbeat music) - Did you know that after two weeks someone won't remember if they met you in person or saw you in a video. It's true, interesting right? I learned that from Joe Duran, the Managing Director of Goldman Sachs. I interviewed him in my first book, "Listful Thinking," because he's crazy about lists just like me. But he's also been using video to connect to his staff and his clients for years. I'm betting you're doing a lot more video calls these days, too right? I'm going to put on my media trainer hat and give you some tips to make sure you look and sound great on video. Number one, check your lighting. You should have the light source in front of you, not behind you. That will make your video dark and hard to see. I use natural light whenever possible and stick a big old window right in front of my face. It works like a charm. Number two, treat the camera like a person. I know it's a little awkward at…
