From the course: Onboarding in the Hybrid/Remote Workplace

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Connect your new hires to the purpose of the organization

Connect your new hires to the purpose of the organization

From the course: Onboarding in the Hybrid/Remote Workplace

Connect your new hires to the purpose of the organization

- There's a legend about the first time President John F. Kennedy toured the NASA facilities back in 1962. There, he stumbled upon a janitor and asked him what he did for NASA. The janitor responded along the lines of, "Oh, Mr. President, I'm putting a man on the moon." This janitor knew the purpose of his work. Even if he wasn't an engineer or a scientist or an astronaut directly involved with the mission, he understood how his contribution to keeping the facilities clean fit into the larger mission of the organization. What if, as leaders, we could help all our employees feel this same sense of purpose? And what if we could do it from day one during onboarding? You guessed it. Strategy two for impactful onboarding is to connect your new hires with the greater mission and purpose of your organization. David Siegel is the CEO of Meetup, a platform for finding and building local communities. As soon as a new hire accepts…
