From the course: Onboarding in the Hybrid/Remote Workplace

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Onboard to create real connection, deeper engagement, and better performance

Onboard to create real connection, deeper engagement, and better performance

From the course: Onboarding in the Hybrid/Remote Workplace

Onboard to create real connection, deeper engagement, and better performance

- To onboard these days, you must be intentional. In this course, I shared the science and stories of successful onboarding. We looked at onboarding through the lens of five recommended practices, plus one bonus practice if you want to go the extra mile. First, onboard with your values in mind. Second, connect your new hires to the purpose of your organization. Third, curate personal connections. Fourth, incorporate rituals to create psychological safety and purpose. And fifth, incorporate learning and development upfront and right from the start. And don't forget the bonus idea, foster belonging before onboarding. Make a candidate feel welcome before they even accept an offer. And by the way, even if they don't take the job, trust me, they'll be telling their friends how amazing your company is. I encourage you to take the ideas from this course, which really resonated with you and your organization's needs, and…
