Blue Monday may be a pile of rubbish – but there’s no harm thinking about ways to make this month more cheerful

Making January 15 a good day may boost the rest of the month

Rosalind Skillen

As far as months go, January gets a lot of stick. Weather-wise, it’s not ideal. Without the warm glow of Christmas lights, you leave the house in the dark and it’s dark when you get back. Darkness bookends our days, cutting them short, and all our favourite parts of December have been cut too. Away with festive fun and chocolate for breakfast. It’s back to porridge, back to work and back to routine (or worse still, you’re trying to establish a new one).

With the high from Christmas dissipating like snow, January can also feel like a tired month despite its promise of fresh starts and newness. Everyone around you feels tired, trying to re-establish their sleep routines and eating patterns, and although positive, even the thought of a clean slate can be exhausting. The pressure of overhauling your life is a lot.