Hayley Kiyoko on bullying

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  • Comment posted by MistyPuppy66, at 16:06 11 Oct 2021

    I have been bullied :( the two girls are horrible recently they stopped but now they’re just SO annoying and I know I’m not supposed to and I know this is kinda mean but I HATE THEM! Sorry I just had to get that out! Please like if u hv been bullied because then we can help each other and stand up to bullies also I just want to know how many people are bullied because it is terrible 😢
    Message from Own It

    Always remember bullying is NOT acceptable and you don't have to stand for it.

    It really helps to talk to someone about what you are going through. You could try speaking to an understanding teacher or a close friend.

    If there is no one you feel you can speak to, it may help to phone Childline on 0800 11 11. It's free from any phone and you can even call from a mobile with no credit.

    Or you could call the Samaritans on their helpline: 08457 90 90 90 (charged at local rates) or visit their website.

    For further help, we also have some useful advice and helplines.

    We hope this helps,