Find urgent help if you need it

If you need urgent help right now…

If it’s an emergency, or you feel you are in immediate danger, dial 999 and ask for the police.

Childline logo, website and number. 0800 1111 and


If you need advice or just want to talk, call this helpline: 0800 1111 (calls are confidential and free).

Someone from Childline will help you with any problem if you are feeling sad or worried, or if you just need someone to talk to.

Here's an idea of what happens when a young person get in touch with them:

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If you're worried about a child's safety or welfare, or if you need help or advice, call 0808 800 5000 (calls are confidential and free).

This NSPCC number is for anyone who's at risk or is worried about any other children who are at risk.

Head to their pages here.

Reporting online abuse to CEOP

Telling an adult can really help you to start to get out of a difficult situation. If you feel as though you can’t tell an adult you trust, and you are worried about how someone is talking to you online, you can report to CEOP here.

But remember if you feel you or another child are in immediate danger call the police on 999 straight away.