Hacker takes no notice of nasty comments!

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Creating and sharing content online is a great way to boost your creativity, discover your passions and keep in touch with friends. But while we often feel super excited when we receive positive feedback, compliments and appreciation from friends and family, things don’t always go the way we hope.

A nasty comment under your picture, a mean message in the chat or even someone disliking your video. All of these things can make you feel upset, self-conscious or even angry. If what you’re posting is respectful of others and is a passion of yours, you should never feel ashamed of it just because someone said they don’t like it. Be confident and stick to what you feel is right for you.

What should you do?

Remember that there is help out there - it's important to speak to someone you trust about bullying behaviour. Take some screenshots of the messages and show them to a trusted adult that can help.

Get help!

If you need urgent help with bullying or any other issue online, and aren't sure who to speak to, here are some organisations and websites that can support you