Make your own stomach experiment

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You will need

  • Some fruit
  • One lemon
  • Scissors
  • Elastic band
  • Resealable plastic bag
  • One bowl
  • Potato masher
  • Lemon squeezer


Step 1: Get a grown-up to cut up all the fruit (not the lemon).

Step 2: Mash the fruit chunks with the potato masher.

Step 3: Put the mashed up fruit into your plastic bag.

Step 4: Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the bag.

Step 5: Leave the bag for 15 minutes to let it 'digest'.

Step 6: Tie the elastic band around the bag and squeeze the fruit through the band.

Be careful! Your plastic bag isn't as strong as your stomach!

Step 7: After you've 'digested' your food, you can put the squished fruit into a glass and drink it as a smoothie. Delicious!

Watch the whole episode of Operation Ouch! Do Try This At Home: Squidgy Stomach on BBC iPlayer.

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