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Rosetta Drives Traffic and Conversions for Fortune 500 Financial Services Client

Friday, August 13, 2010 | 11:06 AM

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Headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, Rosetta is a top ranked digital agency focused on Retail & Consumer Products, Healthcare, Financial Services, Communications, Media & Technology, Travel & Leisure and B2B markets.
After learning about what they could do with Google Mobile Ads, Rosetta was excited to take advantage of the mobile opportunity. One of their financial services clients, a Fortune 500 company, was the perfect candidate. Already working with the client on Google desktop search campaigns, Rosetta saw mobile as a great way to drive additional web traffic and conversions.

To accurately measure performance and optimize conversion costs, Rosetta set up separate mobile search campaigns targeting phones with full Internet browsers -- including iPhone and Android devices. Separating out the mobile from the desktop campaigns allowed the agency to have more control over their bids as well as the flexibility to shift their budget on the fly.

As a result, campaign performance exceeded expectations. Mobile click-through rates were almost eight times higher than desktop CTRs and the lift in incremental web traffic from mobile was significant. Most importantly, users were signing up for the client’s services via their phones.

“It’s shocking and amazing to see people on their mobile phones converting at a decent rate,” says Jason Tabeling Director of Search Media at Rosetta, “especially when they were completing the quote process for a new account [via] desktop, which is upwards of six pages.”

By investing in mobile optimized campaigns, Rosetta not only delivered results but also demonstrated the value of mobile to their client. “[Mobile] traffic is not a waste for us - it’s something that’s been incremental,” explains Tabeling.  “And it’s growing… as mobile continues to grow, we are excited to bring the opportunity to more of our clients.”

To learn more, please download the full case study here. To read about other case studies, check out our Mobile Success Stories.
Posted by Lauren Usui, Google Mobile Ads Marketing Team


Macca said...

Thats very interesting and it would be good to know what the product being promoted was. Our experience thus far of mobile campaigns is lower CTR and conversion rates though Click To Call has worked brilliantly although volumes are great.

Macca said...

correction ^arent great.