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New Learn with Google webinars to help you become a smarter digital marketer

Thursday, May 2, 2013 | 9:00 AM

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At Google, one of our goals is to help make the web work for you. Today we’re announcing a new series of Learn with Google webinars, which will teach you how to use digital to build brand awareness and give you the tools you need to drive sales and grow loyalty and retention. Each of our sessions gives you deep-dive educational content, across a breadth of products and marketing objectives, in a format that’s convenient for you. Every webinar is led by Google product experts and includes time for audience Q&A. Sign up to start becoming a smarter digital marketer now.

Upcoming live webinars:

[YouTube] Driving Direct Response with Video
[Shopping] Google Shopping 101: Google Shopping for Beginners
[Research] New Research: How US Shoppers use Smartphones in Stores
[Mobile] Driving Deeper Engagement with your App Users
[Mobile] Driving Brand Engagement with Mobile Rich Media
[Analytics] Measuring Success in a Multi-Device World

[Mobile] Understanding Mobile Ads Across Marketing Objectives
[Shopping] Google Shopping 201: Merchant Center Deep Dive
[YouTube] Building your Business with YouTube Video Ads
[Analytics] Metrics for the Mobile App Ecosystem
[Search] What's New & Next in AdWords
[Analytics] Unleashing the Combined Power of Google Analytics & AdWords
[Social] Growing your Business & Engaging your Audience with Google+
[Shopping] Google Shopping 301: Creating & Optimizing Product Listing Ads
[Social] Launching & Amplifying your Impact Across Social Channels
[Display] Reaching the Right Audience with Remarketing
[Research] Creating Custom Infographics with the New Google Databoard

Webinars are held Tuesdays through Thursdays at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern.

Visit our webinar site to register for any of the live sessions and to access our large library of recorded content. You can also stay up-to-date on the schedule by adding our Learn with Google calendar to your own Google calendar to automatically see upcoming webinars.

During our last series of webinars, attendees had the chance to win a Nexus 7. Clint Wilson was our lucky winner and he’ll soon be enjoying all of the tablet’s cool features. Check out our upcoming webinars for another chance to win!

Learn with Google is a program to help businesses succeed through winning moments that matter, enabling better decisions and constantly innovating. We hope that you’ll use these best practices and how-to’s to maximize the impact of digital and grow your business. We’re looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming session!

Posted by: Erin Molnar, Marketing Coordinator, Learn with Google

Upcoming Learn with Google Webinar: Understanding The Full Value of Mobile

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | 10:00 AM

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Constant connectivity through mobile has created five new paths to purchase that start on customers’ smartphones. As a marketer, it is key that you account for these new types of conversions and understand the full return on investment you’re getting from your mobile efforts. That’s why earlier this week we introduced The Full Value of Mobile, an initiative to help marketers understand mobile’s impact on offline and online conversions.

Join us on Thursday, March 28th (10am PT/1pm ET) for our first Full Value of Mobile webinar. We will highlight the full range of conversions that mobile can drive and walk you through our new Full Value of Mobile calculator tool.

Sign up for our webinar today by registering here.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Posted by: Julie Pottier, Product Marketing Manager, Google Mobile Ads

Measuring app usage with new reports and SDK from Google Analytics

Thursday, October 25, 2012 | 7:00 AM

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Google Analytics helps you measure value across all the steps a user takes between app download and your ultimate goal. Whether you’re hoping users will purchase in-app, level up in your game or register for your service, Mobile App Analytics points out what’s impeding and aiding users along their paths to your ultimate goal. On Tuesday, we presented a webinar, “Understanding your App Users with Google Analytics” about ways to promote your mobile app with AdWords. Led by Jessica Sapick, Mobile Ads Product Marketer, and Chrix Finne, Mobile Ads Product Manager, the webinar explained how to use Mobile App Analytics to iterate on app development and marketing.

Attendees learned:

  1. How to set up a Mobile App Analytics account
  2. The benefits of the new software development kit
  3. How to use the new app overview, engagement, Google Play sources, device and network, engagement flow, loyalty, and crash and exception reports
  4. How to use analytics data to assess and iterate on advertising strategies

To learn more, download the webinar slides or watch the recording on the Google Business YouTube Channel.

Posted by Jessica Sapick, Product Marketing Manager

Upcoming Learn with Google webinar: Understanding your app users with Google Analytics

Friday, October 19, 2012 | 6:00 AM

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With more than one million apps available across the Google Play and Apple App stores, and users spending nearly half a day each month using apps, the message is clear: users like apps, especially when what they want is right at their fingertips.  Google Analytics for mobile apps equips marketers and app developers with tools to help users find what they’re after, cultivate loyalty and convert more app downloads into purchases, sign-ups and other desired user actions.

Join Google on Tuesday, October 23rd (10am PT/1pm ET) for a webinar about how you can use Google Analytics to measure in-app user activity.

The webinar will walk you through setting up a Google Analytics for mobile apps account, explain how to use the new reports to translate data into insights and give you a chance to ask your burning app analytics questions.  

Sign up for our webinar today by registering here.

We look forward to seeing you on October 23rd!

Posted by Jessica Sapick, Product Marketing Manager, Google Mobile Ads

Take advantage of mobile education opportunities

Thursday, June 14, 2012 | 9:30 AM

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Last week, we held our first “Mobile Education Week”, a series of free webinars in partnership with the Learn With Google program for your agency or business to learn more about the tools and resources to help you succeed on mobile.

Below are video recordings of these webinars - check them out, and share with your colleagues.

Our Mobile Planet: Understanding U.S. Smartphone Consumers
Our first webinar provided an overview of the 2012 Our Mobile Planet smartphone research. Watch this video if you’d like to learn:

  • How smartphones are transforming core consumer behavior around the world, and the way we connect with others, stay informed, keep ourselves entertained, shop and navigate the world around us.
  • Implications for advertisers and strategies businesses can use to win the moments that matter with mobile.

Ideal for: global agencies and marketers

GoMo: Mobilize your Site with Quick and Easy New Tools from Google & DudaMobile
The second webinar was a joint effort between Google’s GoMo initiative and DudaMobile on how it is now even easier for small businesses to create a free-mobile friendly website. View this video if you’d like to learn:

  • Why mobile sites matter.

  • Review Google's HowToGoMo.com resource.
  • New: How to create free mobile sites for your small business directly from HowToGoMo.com, using a tool powered by DudaMobile.
  • Examples and best practices for mobilizing your site using the free DudaMobile tool.

Ideal for: small businesses and agencies interested in free tools  to create a mobile site

ng Mobile Apps Inventory in AdWords
The final webinar shared the new opportunity available with the availability of AdMob inventory to AdWords users.

This video is great if you’d like to learn:
  • How AdWords now makes it easy for you to extend your campaigns to reach users inside mobile apps.
  • Review mobile-specific targeting, ad units, and reporting than enable you to optimize your ROI.

Ideal for: marketers and agencies looking to promote and target mobile apps

Want to learn more about how to help your business or agency succeed on mobile? Stay tuned to all new Mobile Ads news at the Google Mobile Ads blog and YouTube channel.

Posted by Sonja Lee, Product Marketing, Mobile Ads

GoMo: Missed the live webinars? Watch the recorded videos and download the slides today.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012 | 9:00 AM

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As part of Google’s ongoing GoMo initiative, we hosted two live webinars to help advertisers and publishers learn the benefits of creating mobile-friendly sites, hear tips and case studies, and tap into new resources get started. If you missed the live webinars, no problem! You can watch the recorded videos and download the slides for either (or both!) webinars.

Advertisers who watch the video will learn how to:

1. Mobilize your site.
Understand what it means, learn the benefits and get started with GoMo.
2. Maximize your mobile ads.
Hear why it’s important and learn practical how-to’s for making the most of your mobile investment.
3. Track, measure and iterate.
Get tips and see helpful tools you can use today.

Interested in learning more? Watch the recorded webinar and download the slides.

Publishers who watch the video will learn:

1. Why go mobile?
Your users have gone mobile in a big way, hear why you must follow suit.
2. Tips for building mobile sites     
Mobile is different.  Learn 10 practical tips for building engaging, uniquely mobile experiences.
3. Best practices in action
Hear from web publisher FindTheBest about the success they’ve seen from going mobile.
4. How to get started
Google is here to help. Learn about tools we’ve created to get you started on the path to delighting
your users and maximizing your mobile revenue.

Interested in learning more? Watch the recorded webinar and download the slides.

Posted by: Suzanne Mumford, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads and Joseph Corral, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads

Upcoming Webinar: GoMo for Publishers

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | 2:00 PM

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As part of our ongoing GoMo initiative, last week we connected with nearly 500 digital advertisers in a live webinar to share tips and tools on how to optimize advertiser websites for mobile.  This Thursday, we’ll be hosting a second webinar, GoMo for Publishers:  Mobilize Your Site and Maximize Your Ad Revenue, with an exclusive focus on the needs of online publishers.

Mobile web consumption is exploding.  For many publishers, mobile traffic represents more than 30% of total site visits, and the trends continue to point upward.  Despite this, 80% of online publishers don’t have a mobile-optimized website, and they risk losing their fastest-growing audience.  61% of consumers would likely never return to a site with a poor mobile experience.1  That’s why we recently launched GoMo for Publishers, to provide publishers with new tools to start optimizing for mobile.

Join Google on Thursday, March 22nd at 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET, to discuss why it’s imperative to build for mobile and delight your mobile users  We’ll show you all the tools you need to get you ready to go mobile. Sign up today and log on to learn:

  1. Why go mobile? Your users have gone mobile in a big way, hear why you must follow suit.
  2. 10 tips for building mobile sites   Mobile is different.  Learn 10 practical tips for building engaging, uniquely mobile experiences.
  3. Best practices in action Hear from web publisher FindTheBest about the success they have seen from going mobile. 
  4. How to get started Google is here to help. Learn about tools we’ve created to get you started on the path to delighting your users and maximizing your mobile revenue.
Sign up for the webinar today.  We look forward to seeing you on March 22th!

Posted by Joseph Corral, Product Marketing Manager, Google Mobile Ads

Source (1): Compuware, “why the mobile web is disappointing end-users.” March 2011

Don’t forget! Sign up for tomorrow’s webinar: GoMo - Mobilize your site and maximize your advertising

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | 2:30 PM

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Join Google for tomorrow’s webinar, GoMo: Mobilize Your Site and Maximize your Advertising and learn 3 ways to make the most of mobile.

  1. Mobilize your site.
   Understand what it means, learn the benefits and get started with GoMo.
  1. Maximize your mobile ads.
   Hear why it’s important and learn practical how-to’s for making the most                  
   of your mobile investment.
  1. Track, measure and iterate.
   Get tips and see helpful tools you can use today.

On March 15th at 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET, Suzanne Mumford, Product Marketing Manager, will be presenting 3 ways to make the most of mobile for businesses, agencies and marketers.

To register, please visit this link: http://goo.gl/HBNKa

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Posted by Suzanne Mumford, Product Marketing Manager, Google Mobile Ads

Upcoming Webinar: GoMo - Mobilize your site and maximize your advertising. Sign up today.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 1:00 PM

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Did you know: 8 in 10 consumers instantly abandon a mobile site if the experience isn’t up to par?1  Mobile consumers have high expectations from businesses today.  With Google mobile searches growing 400% in the last two years, it’s increasingly important for businesses to satisfy the needs of a mobile user by building a mobile-friendly site.  A great mobile site will help your business by allowing people visiting your website on mobile devices to easily complete what they intend to do, such as making a purchase or contacting you.

Join Google as we take the mobile conversation to a new level and connect the impact of your mobile site to your mobile advertising.  We’ll discuss the next steps that you can take to implement a mobile strategy for your business. Sign up today and learn 3 ways to make the most of mobile.

1. Mobilize your site.
Understand what it means, learn the benefits and get started with GoMo.
2. Maximize your mobile ads.     
Hear why it’s important and learn practical how-to’s for making the most of your mobile  
3. Track, measure and iterate.
Get tips and see helpful tools you can use today.

On Thursday, March 15th at 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET, Suzanne Mumford, Product Marketing Manager, will be presenting 3 ways to make the most of mobile for businesses, agencies and marketers.

Sign up for our webinar today. To register, please visit this link: http://goo.gl/CDM9F

We look forward to seeing you on March 15th!

Posted by Suzanne Mumford, Product Marketing Manager, Google Mobile Ads

Source (1) Limelight Networks, Inc. 2011

Webinar Recap: Making Mobile-Friendly Websites - Best Practices in Action

Monday, November 14, 2011 | 3:26 PM

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Last Thursday, we presented a webinar “Making Mobile-Friendly Websites: Best Practices in Action” on the resources you need to learn about what makes a good mobile site and to start building one. This was part of our broader “GoMo” initiative, which helps businesses “Go Mobile”.

Dai Pham and Sonja Lee of the Google Mobile Ads team presented an overview of the mobile momentum, why mobile sites matter, 10 best practices with full case studies and business examples. They also introduced the tools and resources showcased in HowToGoMo.com to the audience.

The PDF deck can be downloaded here.

For more information about how to mobilize your website, please visit HowToGoMo.com.

Posted by Dai Pham, Google Mobile Ads

Reminder: Google’s Think Mobile Webinar featuring Avinash Kaushik - November 2nd

Monday, October 31, 2011 | 4:51 PM

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Not sure how to most effectively leverage and measure your mobile marketing campaigns? Well, you’re not alone. While mobile is an incredible new way to distribute content and reach customers on the go, it also presents a unique challenge when it comes to measuring the impact of our mobile efforts (like applications, advertisements or mobile-optimized websites).

We just wanted to remind you to tune in this week to Google’s Think Mobile webinar, Mobile Advertising: Right Person, Right Time, Right Message - Finally!, led by Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist. Avinash will share tips and best practices for mobile marketing campaigns, new metrics unique to mobile, and how best to measure mobile ads and websites.
  • When: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 9-10:30am PST/ 12-1:30pm EST
  • How: Register here
Posted by Kevin Otsuka, Associate Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads