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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Updated March 2024

Introduction This Privacy Policy outlines the approach to data protection for SEMSEOYMAS ONLINE MARKETING SL(“SS+”, “we”, “us”) in relation to your interactions with ssplus.com, any associated SS+ Publisher Websites, their mobile versions, as well as digital applications that incorporate SS+ technology or on which SS+ delivers ads (collectively referred to as “Publisher Websites”). SS+ acts as the data controller under the applicable data protection regulations.

Your continued use of the Publisher Websites signifies your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to these terms, you must cease using the Publisher Websites and all related services and features. By engaging with the Publisher Websites, you confirm that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy.

Applicability (a) This Privacy Policy governs the delivery of advertisements by SS+ and its affiliates, including third-party ad service providers and advertisers (jointly referred to as "SS+ Entities"), on the Publisher Websites. It is relevant regardless of the method and device you use to access or interact with the Publisher Websites, including but not limited to personal computers, mobile devices, or any other technology ("Device"). "Publisher Websites" encompass all subdomains of these sites as well.

(b) The Publisher Websites may be governed by additional or distinct privacy policies, which are available on each respective Publisher Website. For detailed information on privacy practices and terms and conditions that pertain to your privacy, you are encouraged to review the privacy policies posted on each specific Publisher Website.

Information We Collect Information automatically gathered from you and/or your device includes:

Details about your device and identifiers such as IP address, browser specifications and language, operating system, type of platform, type of device, and the specific attributes of software and hardware. This also includes unique identifiers for devices, advertising, and applications.

Purposes for which we use this information:

To deliver and personalize advertising content. For auditing consumer interactions, which may include ad reporting, conversion tracking, analytics, and frequency capping. To support and enhance our services. For our own marketing efforts and those of third parties. To identify and troubleshoot software bugs and errors. For maintaining security, preventing fraud, and complying with legal obligations.

Categories of third parties with whom this information may be shared:

Service providers. Affiliate advertisers, ad servers, and advertising partners. Entities for legal purposes. Entities involved in a sale or transfer of business or assets.

We also collect data on internet network and device activity, such as your interactions with our Publisher Websites. This includes actions taken on the sites, the content you view, the referring URL to the Publisher Websites, all areas visited within the Publisher Websites, and the websites you visit after leaving ours. For further details on the collection and use of this information, refer to the "Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies" section below.

Purposes for which we use this information:

To deliver and personalize advertising content. For auditing consumer interactions, which may include ad reporting, conversion tracking, analytics, and frequency capping. To support and improve our services. For our own marketing efforts and those of third parties. To identify and troubleshoot software bugs and errors. For maintaining security, preventing fraud, and complying with legal obligations.

Sources of personal information:

You, through your interactions with your device. Cookies and other tracking technologies.

Categories of third parties with whom this information may be shared:

Service providers. Affiliate advertisers, ad servers, and advertising partners. Entities for legal purposes. Entities involved in a sale or transfer of business or assets. Advertising information such as the content of the ad, the ad type, where the ad is served, whether you clicked on the ad, and the number of times you have seen the ad. Purposes of use:

Serving and Customizing Advertising Auditing Consumer Interactions (e.g., Ad Reporting, Conversions, Analytics, and Frequency Capping) Service Support and Improvement Our Marketing and Third-Party Marketing Purposes Bug detection and error reporting Security, Fraud, and Legal Compliance Sources of personal information

You (through your device) Cookies and tracking technologies Categories of third parties to whom we disclose the information:

Service Providers Our Affiliates Advertisers, Ad Servers, and Advertising Partners Entities for Legal Purposes Entities For Sales or Transfer of Business or Assets Geolocation information such as city, state and ZIP code associated with your IP address or derived through Wi-Fi triangulation; and precise geolocation information from GPS-based functionality on your devices, with your permission in accordance with your device settings. Purposes of use:

Serving and Customizing Advertising Auditing Consumer Interactions (e.g., Ad Reporting, Conversions, Analytics, and Frequency Capping) Service Support and Improvement Our Marketing and Third-Party Marketing Purposes Bug detection and error reporting Security, Fraud, and Legal Compliance Sources of personal information

You (through your device) Cookies and tracking technologies Categories of third parties to whom we disclose the information:

Service Providers Our Affiliates Advertisers, Ad Servers, and Advertising Partners Entities for Legal Purposes Entities For Sales or Transfer of Business or Assets (a) Information Automatically Collected As You Access and Use the Publisher Websites.

In order to serve advertisements that are better tailored to your interests, we employ a range of technologies such as cookies, Flash cookies, web beacons, and embedded scripts (collectively, "Cookies") that automatically or passively gather data when you visit or engage with the Publisher Websites and the advertisements we display on them.

Our partners or vendors and we may acquire this information upon your first interaction with a Publisher Website utilizing our advertising services. We may amalgamate and link this information with other data that we (or our partners) gather from your interactions with additional advertisements we deliver.

SEMSEOYMAS Online Marketing SL , located at Paseo de la Castellana 259C, 18th Floor, 28046 Madrid, is the entity responsible for the processing of personal data as outlined in this privacy statement.

SEMSEOYMAS Online Marketing SL. will process your email address and other personal details only when you have actively provided them, such as by setting up a profile or registering on this website, or through correspondence and phone communication.

Special and/or Sensitive Personal Data That We Process

Our website and/or service does not intend to gather information from website visitors under the age of 16 without the consent of a parent or guardian. However, we cannot verify the age of visitors. Therefore, we encourage parents to participate in their children's online activities to prevent the collection of data from minors without parental consent. If you believe that we have collected personal information about a minor without proper consent, please contact us at privacy@ssmas.com, and we will take steps to remove this information.

The information we collect includes:

Browser and Device Information such as the type of web browser, computer, platform, related software; device type and model, manufacturer, operating system type, and version, inferred from your IP address, along with identifiers assigned to a device, such as its iOS Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), Android/Google Advertising ID (AAID or GAID), or other unique device identifiers (an alphanumeric string assigned to a device by its manufacturer, identifiers stored in our cookie, ETag, or browser or web cache). Your IP address is typically connected with the place from which you access the Internet, such as your Internet Service Provider, your employer, or your library. We use your IP address and other identifiers for various reasons, including diagnosing server issues, collecting broad demographic information, and for other legally permitted purposes.

Information about your interactions on the Publisher Websites, including activities or actions on the sites, the content viewed, the URL that referred you to our sites, all areas within our sites that you visit, and websites you visit following our site.

SS+ ad information, such as the content of the ad (the subject matter, e.g., entertainment, news), the ad type (e.g., text, image, or video), where the ad is served (e.g., the website on which the ad is displayed), your engagement with the ad, including clicks, the number of times the ad was seen, and how you interacted with it.

We may merge information collected from your use of the Publisher Websites with third-party data to ascertain your location by country and region.

For more detailed information, please see the "Cookies" section below.

Geolocation Information

With your consent, SS+ may collect and use your geolocation information to provide location-specific information about goods and services or to implement features such as targeted advertising. When you utilize services that require geolocation data, you are giving your consent for us to collect, utilize, and disclose your geolocation information as outlined.

(b) Information We Collect From Third Parties

We may obtain information from other reliable sources to update or supplement the information you have provided or that we have collected automatically. This can include data to validate or update your demographic or lifestyle information. We use this data to ensure the accuracy of the information we collect, to tailor our communications to offer you products, services, and promotions that might interest you, and for internal business analysis or other business purposes. Additionally, we may receive information about your visits over time and across different third-party websites to deliver more targeted advertising to you on the Publisher Website(s). These third parties have their own privacy policies that may differ from our Privacy Policy.

(c) View, Adjust or Delete Data

You have the right to access, correct, or erase your personal data. You can self-manage several of your personal details by selecting the "Edit profile" option in the user menu. Any changes or deletions of data you make will be processed immediately. If you have signed up for a newsletter, you can modify your details and unsubscribe at any time using the link provided in the email.

You also have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by SS+ For access, correction, deletion of your personal data, to revoke your consent, or to object to data processing, you can send a request to privacy@ssmas.com.

Purposes for Processing Personal Data We process your personal data for various purposes, as outlined below:

(a) Serving and Customizing Advertising: We leverage personal data to facilitate the delivery of advertisements on Publisher Websites. This includes providing ads that align with your interests inferred from your activities on Publisher Websites. To achieve this, we may create interest-based advertising segments or audiences. We may also integrate the information we collect with additional data obtained from third parties to customize the ads we present to you.

(b) Ad Reporting, Conversions, Analytics, and Frequency Capping: We use your data to generate and offer insights regarding advertising activity. This encompasses tracking if ads are clicked, monitoring ad views, assessing click-through rates, implementing frequency capping to avoid overexposure to the same ad, and enhancing the efficiency of our ad delivery services.

(c) Fraud Detection and Prevention and Security: We process personal data to identify and mitigate fraudulent ad impressions, clicks, installs, or queries, to safeguard our Publisher Websites, and to ensure the security of our services.

(d) Service Support and Improvement: We utilize personal data to enhance our advertising services, optimize navigation and display features, and ensure smooth functioning of our services.

(e) Marketing: In accordance with relevant legislation, we may merge and utilize all types of data collected from you, both online and offline and including data from third parties, for marketing purposes. Unless explicitly stated at the time of data collection, we may share the information we gather from you and third-party sources with entities not governed by this privacy statement (such as other marketers, retailers, and participatory databases) to market products or services to you. This also entails licensing insights regarding your interests and activities, as well as marketing segments developed using such data, to third parties for their marketing initiatives.

(f) Anonymous Information: We may generate aggregated, anonymized data about you and other users of the Publisher Websites by omitting details (like your name) that could be used to identify an individual ("Anonymous Information"). We can use this Anonymous Information for any legally permitted purpose and may disclose Anonymous Information to third parties at our discretion.

(g) Cross-Device Tracking: We may employ cookies in conjunction with the data we collect (e.g., IP addresses and unique mobile device identifiers) to attempt to locate the same unique users across various browsers or devices (such as smartphones or tablets), or we may work with service providers who do this, to maintain your preferences across devices and to analyze the usage of the Publisher Websites.

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties SS+ is committed to protecting your personal data and will only share this data with third parties upon receiving your explicit permission. However, there may be instances where SS+. is legally required to disclose certain information, such as to law enforcement authorities in the context of a criminal investigation. In these situations, SS+ will only release the data if it is evident that a legal obligation to do so exists.

Beyond the situations described in this Privacy Policy, SS+ may (and you hereby authorize us to) share or disclose information collected from and about you on the Publisher Websites with other companies or individuals in the following scenarios:

(a) Administrative and Legal Reasons: Despite any other terms of this Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to access, use, preserve, transfer, and disclose your information to third parties under certain circumstances:

(i) To comply with applicable law, regulations, subpoenas, government requests, or legal processes, or in connection with a legal investigation, if deemed necessary or permissible by law, based on our good faith judgment.

(ii) To ensure the safety, rights, property, or security of SS+, its products, services, or any related parties.

(iii) To address fraud, security, or technical issues.

We may also use identifiers and other information to identify users in cooperation with third parties such as copyright owners, internet service providers, wireless service providers, and law enforcement agencies. This may include disclosing such information to these third parties when deemed necessary (the "Legal Use"). These disclosures may occur without any prior notice to you.

(b) Sales or Transfer of Business or Assets: In the event that SS+ undergoes a business transition, such as a sale, merger, transfer, exchange, or disposal of all or part of our business or assets, including a potential bankruptcy, the new company would inherit the information collected by us and would adhere to the rights and obligations concerning your information as described in this Privacy Policy (the "Acquisition Use").

Legal Grounds for Using (Processing) Your Information For visitors from the European Economic Area (EEA), our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described will depend on the specific information in question and the context in which we collect it. Generally, we will process your information on the following legal bases:

Performance of Contract: We will process your information when it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract. For instance, we need to process your personal data to provide you with the services you sign up for.

Legitimate Interests: We may process your information when it is necessary for our legitimate interests, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Legitimate interests may include:

To personalize our services and provide targeted marketing, which is beneficial for both you as a user and us as a service provider. To enhance and improve our services, to better understand how users interact with our services, and to ensure the security of our services. To conduct business analytics and to conduct research and development. Consent: In some cases, we may process your information based on your explicit consent. In such instances, we will obtain your consent for the processing of such data for specific purposes communicated to you. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Please note that if you are asked to provide consent, you can refuse, and you can also withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. If you do so, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you require further information about the legal grounds we rely on to process your information, or if you have any other questions in this regard, please reach out to us using the contact details provided in the "Contact Us" section of our website.

Third Party Advertising Partners SS+ collaborates with a range of third-party advertising companies to display ads on Publisher Websites, as well as on other websites across the internet and in different media forms. Furthermore, we utilize analytics services supported by third-party companies to analyze trends and track user activity. These third-party companies may employ tracking technologies to gather usage information about you and may merge this data with information they collect from other sources.

How Third Party Advertising Works:

We work with various third-party advertising service providers, such as ad networks, data exchanges, ad servers, and analytics providers. These third parties may use technologies to send the ads and links that appear on the Publisher Websites directly to your device. When you are served an advertisement, these third parties may automatically receive certain information such as your IP address, web browser, operating system, time, location, device type, and device ID. Data Collection and Usage:

Both SS+ and our third-party service providers, as well as the advertisers themselves, may collect data about your visits over time and across different websites, including data from other sources, to provide more targeted advertising on the Publisher Websites. Third parties may also utilize the data collected from your use of the Publisher Websites to present targeted ads on other third-party sites and applications. Use of Cookies and Analytics Services:

We, along with third-party vendors including Google, use first-party cookies (like the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (like the DoubleClick cookie) in combination to facilitate the uses of your information as described. Google Analytics is utilized to gain insights into user visits to the Publisher Websites, incorporating audience data like age, gender, and interests to better tailor the content and ads we serve to our users. Your Choices and Control:

You have control over the use of your information for advertising purposes:

You can typically adjust your browser settings to refuse third-party cookies or to indicate when a third-party cookie is being sent. You can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Google Ads Settings. For more information on how to opt out of third-party vendors' use of cookies, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page. Third Party Cookies:

Please refer to the section entitled “Third Party Cookies” for an updated list of the third-party advertising partners that we work with. This list may change from time to time to reflect new partnerships or changes in our advertising strategy.

As online advertising and analytics are complex and constantly evolving, SS+ commits to providing transparency and choices to users regarding the use of their data for advertising purposes. If you have any concerns or require additional information about these third-party advertising practices, please use the contact details provided in the "Contact Us" section on our website.

Options Regarding Advertisements and Analytics For detailed instructions on controlling your settings for cookie-based advertising, refer to the "Cookie Management" area outlined in our Cookie Policy.

It's important to be aware that opting out of personalized advertising does not completely eliminate third-party ads on Publisher Websites. These ads will continue to appear; however, they won't be customized according to your browsing behavior on other unrelated websites or applications.

Data Subject Rights & Your Choices Under certain local regulations, you possess specific rights concerning your personal information as outlined in this section.

(a) International Users: For insights into your legal rights under the laws that apply to you, or if you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at any time using the details provided in the “Contact Us” section below. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have the right to:

Access: Request access to and/or copies of the personal information we hold about you. Direct Marketing Opt-Out: Request that we halt processing of your personal information for direct-marketing purposes. Corrections: Update or correct any out-of-date or incorrect personal information that we hold about you. Deletion: Request the deletion of certain personal information about you from our records. Restriction of Processing: Ask us to restrict the processing and disclosure of your personal information in certain ways. Data Portability: Seek the transfer of your information to a third-party service provider. Consent Withdrawal: Withdraw your consent for the ongoing processing of your personal information.

We will handle all requests and respond within the timeframe dictated by the law that applies to you. There may be situations where certain information is exempt from such requests for various reasons, such as if we need to continue processing your information for our legitimate interests or to comply with a legal duty. To ensure the security of your information, we may also request additional details to verify your identity before we proceed with your request.

Duration of Information Storage We retain your personal data only for the period essential for the processing purposes for which it was obtained. The duration we hold onto your information is influenced by the intended use of the data and any legal obligations to retain it for a set period.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies We utilize and authorize certain other entities to employ a variety of tracking technologies, which include cookies, web beacons, and other akin technologies (together referred to as "Cookies") on the Publisher Websites. This segment ("Cookie Notice") delineates what these technologies are and the rationale behind our usage of them, as well as delineating your entitlements to govern our deployment of them.

SS+ operates with technical, functional cookies as well as analytical cookies. With your consent, we also establish tracking cookies. You have the option to disable cookies by configuring your internet browser to cease storing cookies. Furthermore, you can expunge all previously stored information through your browser's settings.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a diminutive text file that gets saved on your computer, tablet, or smartphone upon your inaugural visit to this website.

Cookies are comprised of a specific quantum of data and are transferred to your computer or mobile device when you access a website. They are advantageous because they enable websites to recognize a user’s apparatus. Subsequently, they are returned to the originating website with each successive visit or to any other website that perceives them. For additional details on cookies, you can visit WWW.ALLABOUTCOOKIES.ORG.

Within this Notice, the term "Cookie" is employed in an extensive manner to encompass all comparable methods and technologies, including web beacons and log files. For further elucidation on these supplementary instruments, please consult our glossary below.

Types of Information We Collect

Cookies are instrumental in aiding our comprehension of how the Publisher Websites are used and in augmenting the advertising content and offerings on these sites. The kinds of information we gather through the use of Cookies encompass:

The count of individuals accessing the Publisher Websites, the frequency with which a Publisher Website is accessed, the specific pages or advertisements that are viewed, the number of clicks made on the Publisher Websites or the advertisements, and the aggregate time spent navigating the Publisher Websites;

The title of the webpage that directed you to the Publisher Websites; Whether your visit to the Publisher Websites is your initial one; Your viewing preferences, such as layout, sizing preferences, language, etc.; and The type of browser you are utilizing and your IP address, which aids us in recognizing you on subsequent visits.

How We Use Cookies

The cookies we employ are essential for both the technical functionality of the website and your convenience. They ensure that the website operates efficiently and retain your preferred settings, for instance. This also enables us to refine our website.

Here are examples of how we utilize cookies:

To manage the presentation of advertisements; To monitor usage trends on the Publisher Websites; and To customize the information provided. SS+ (or third-party service providers working on our behalf) may also make use of cookies to gather collective information about users of the Website on a non-identifiable basis ("Anonymous Information"). We may disclose aggregated demographic and usage information to our potential and actual business partners, advertisers, and other third parties for any legitimate business reasons.

Types of Cookies We Use on Our Publisher Websites We deploy Cookies for a variety of purposes. Some Cookies are used to track and ascertain the interests of our users, thereby enhancing their experience on our Publisher Websites. Additionally, third parties serve Cookies via the Publisher Websites for purposes such as advertising, analytics, and more. Below is a more detailed explanation of the specific types of Cookies we utilize on our Publisher Websites and their respective functions.

Functional Cookies: These cookies enable our websites to remember the choices you've made (like your language preference or the region you're in). To decline these Cookies, please see the instructions provided under the section titled Cookie Management. It's important to note that disabling functional cookies may impact your ability to use certain features on our websites, or they may not operate correctly.

Embedded Scripts: Embedded script is a type of programming code designed to collect data about your interactions with the Publisher Websites, like the links you click. This code is temporarily downloaded to your computer or device and only operates while you're connected to the Publisher Websites, becoming inactive or removed afterwards.

Cross-Device Cookies: SS+ may implement cookies in tandem with collected information — such as IP addresses and unique mobile device identifiers — to identify or attempt to identify the same unique users across multiple browsers or devices (like smartphones or tablets), or we may collaborate with service providers who do this. The goal is to maintain your preferences across different devices and to analyze the usage of the Publisher Websites. To decline these Cookies, you may install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on by following the provided link.

Both we and our third-party partners (which include advertisers) may also place and access Cookies on your computer. We do not control how third parties deploy such cookies and similar technologies or how they manage the information obtained from them, and this Privacy Policy does not address the usage of such information by third parties or the methods these third parties use to collect it. These types of cookies include:

Advertising Cookies: Set by third parties, these Cookies gather various types of data regarding your browsing habits and preferences for products and services. The data helps SS+ to deliver pertinent adverts on our Publisher Websites. To reject these cookies, refer to the instructions in the Cookie Management section. Some ads might also feature an icon that you can click to learn more about managing your advertising preferences.

As of the Effective Date mentioned above, the list of third-party partners may include, but is not limited to, the entities listed below. Please note that these vendors and this list may be subject to updates periodically:

Ad Servers

Google Ad Manager (GAM) Xandr Tracking Vendors

Nielsen Integral Ad Science (IAS) Double Verify Moat Google Analytics Google Search Console Other

Alphabet MailChimp Hotjar Meta net Amazon TAM Adform Appnexus Criteo Improvedigital Justpremium Rubicon Smartadserver Unruly Spotx Openx Richaudience Pubmatic Freewheel-ssp Teads Adhese Sovrn Adf Rhythmone Showheroes-bs Seedtag Adyoulike Inskin Invibes Adagio Triplelift Aol Outbrain Medianet Operaads Ogury Sharethrough Onetag Adpone Taboola Gumgum Smilewanted

Pixel Tags

Our web pages and messages may incorporate tiny graphic images or web programming code known as pixel tags (also recognized as “clear GIFs” or “web beacons”), among other similar technologies. Pixel tags or alike technologies have a variety of uses, including, but not limited to, counting the number of visitors to the Publisher Websites, tracking how users browse the Publisher Websites, or tallying the number of specific articles or links viewed. A clear GIF has the capability of linking your viewing or receipt of a web page or message with other data pertaining to you, which can include your Personally Identifiable Information. To opt out of Pixel Tags, please refer to the guidance provided in the section titled Cookie Management.

HTML Storage

HTML, the coding language utilized by some websites, can be utilized for storing data on your computer or device regarding your engagement with and utilization of the Publisher Websites. We may access this stored information to assist in the management of our Websites by providing insights into how our Publisher Websites are used by visitors, identifying areas for enhancement, and personalizing the Websites for our users.

Length of Cookie Retention on Your Device

We employ two types of cookies: "session cookies," which terminate when you shut your web browser, and "persistent cookies," which remain on your computer until you choose to remove them.

Cookie Management Analytics

To learn about the opt-out options currently available for Google Analytics on the web, please visit https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881?hl=en.

Disabling Advertising Cookies

To opt out of advertising cookies from SS+, please set your privacy preferences using the consent management platform available on the relevant Publisher Website.

Some of our advertising service providers might be part of the Network Advertising Initiative, which provides a centralized location to opt out of advertising targeting from its member companies. If you choose to opt out this way, you'll still receive ads after opting out, but they won't be tailored to you based on your activity on the Publisher Websites. For more information on the use of tracking technologies by advertisers and your choices regarding not accepting these cookies, visit http://www.networkadvertising.org. To understand more about the collection of interest-based information, whether the companies we use belong to an industry network regarding behavioral advertising, and your choices to not have this information used in this manner, please visit http://www.aboutads.info. For users in Canada, the management of information collection through certain advertisements can be controlled at youradchoices.ca.

Please be aware that opting out is cookie-based and will only impact the specific computer and browser where the opt-out is performed.

As required by applicable law, we will utilize signals from an IAB-compliant consent management platform on the Publisher Websites to enable or disable advertising cookies.

Using Browser Settings

Most types of cookies can be disabled and/or deleted through your browser settings. It's important to note that blocking all cookies via browser settings might prevent you from accessing parts of our or other Publisher Websites. For guidance on how to modify your browser's cookie settings, refer to the following links for some popular browsers: Apple Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox

Do Not Track Preferences

SS+ does not respond to browser "do not track" signals as we leverage these to tailor your user experiences on our Publisher Websites. For additional details, please visit Network Advertising Initiative or About Ads.

Should you have any inquiries regarding our use of Cookies on our Publisher Websites, please reach out to us via the methods outlined in the "Contact Us" section below.

External Websites We do not hold accountability for the privacy protocols of third-party sites that might be accessed through the Publisher Website. Please be aware that our Privacy Policy does not extend to your interaction with such external sites.

Data Security SS+ is committed to the safeguarding of your information and implements suitable precautions to thwart misuse, loss, unauthorized entry, unwanted revelation, and unwarranted alteration. If you suspect that your data isn't secure or if there are signs of exploitation, please reach out to our customer service or email privacy@SS+.com. SS+ has enacted the following actions to secure your personal data:

Security applications, including antivirus software and firewalls. TLS (previously SSL): We transmit your data through a secure internet connection. This is indicated by 'https' and a padlock icon in the address bar. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC: These three internet standards are utilized by us to prevent you from receiving emails in our name that could contain viruses, constitute spam, or aim to acquire personal (login) information. We employ fitting administrative, technical, and physical security measures to inhibit unauthorized access, usage, or disclosure of gathered information. Nevertheless, it is impossible to ensure complete security of any system. Consequently, while SS+ exerts reasonable efforts to protect your information, we cannot warrant its absolute security, and by utilizing the Publisher Websites, you acknowledge and accept this risk.

Changes to This Privacy Policy We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy.

Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of this Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Privacy Officer at the address set forth below.

Data Privacy Officer SEMSEOYMAS ONLINE MARKETING SL Paseo de la Castellana 259C 18th Floor 28046 Madrid

or privacy@ssmas.com SSMAS Privacy and TCF Participation Participation in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework

At SSMas, we value our users' privacy and are committed to transparency in all our operations. As part of this commitment, we participate in the IAB Europe's Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF), an initiative designed to assist companies in the digital advertising ecosystem in complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive.

As participants in the TCF, we ensure our compliance with its Policies and Specifications, reflecting our commitment to the responsible and transparent management of consent and personal data. We use the Vendor ID assigned by IAB Europe, 1183, which facilitates our operation within the TCF framework and ensures respect for our users' privacy preferences.

We implement effective mechanisms to obtain and manage our users' consent, ensuring that their choices are respected in accordance with applicable regulations. For more information about the TCF and our privacy practices, we invite you to visit https://iabeurope.eu/transparency-consent-framework/.