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Get a Toll-free Number

Under rules adopted by the FCC, VRS providers are no longer permitted to provide toll-free service to their customers. However, you can find a list of toll-free providers at www.somos.com/find-a-toll-free-number. Contact the toll-free service provider of your choice and ask for a toll-free number. The toll-free service provider will charge you a fee. The fees may vary from provider to provider, so make sure you ask about the cost of toll-free service.

“Linking” Your Toll-free Number

Once you have toll-free service, you will probably want your toll-free number linked your local ten-digit number in the numbering database that supports VRS service. This linking will allow your videophone to ring when either of your numbers is dialed. To have your numbers linked, send a request by email to [email protected]. Once we receive your request, we will ensure that the database links your assigned toll-free number with your local ten-digit number.