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Widevine Service Certificates

With Widevine, you can eliminate one round-trip to your license server or proxy per session by preloading a Widevine service certificate. You can either provide it directly or set a URI and let Shaka fetch it for you. Do this before calling player.load(). The values will persist across multiple calls to load() on the same shaka.Player instance.

// This is an example of loading the certificate from your site at runtime.
// You could also choose to bundle it into your JavaScript as a Uint8Array.
const req = await fetch('https://example.com/service.cert');
const cert = new Uint8Array(await req.arrayBuffer());

// This is the short form for configuration of a certificate:

// This is the long form:
  drm: {
    advanced: {
      'com.widevine.alpha': {
        'serverCertificate': cert,

// This is the short form for configuration of a certificate URI:

// This is the long form:
  drm: {
    advanced: {
      'com.widevine.alpha': {
        'serverCertificateUri': 'https://example.com/service.cert',