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Technical Docs

Find the answers to any of your specific technical questions about all features of the Segment CDP platform.

Segment University

A hands-on video tutorial of how to use Segment, offering step-by-step instructions for: planning what to track, how to deploying tracking, configuring integrations, managing traits & audiences, and more.

Analytics Academy

Introduction to the wide world of analytics, including: how to choose metrics, a guide for choosing your stack (and how your stack should evolve), and how to build a data-driven company.


Looking for more ways to supercharge your stack with Segment and get more value from your data? Explore our cookbook of use-cases with step-by-step instructions of how to implement them.

Technical Support

Can't find your answer elsewhere? Submit a ticket with our Technical Support team.


Connect with a Segment expert from our Sales team who can share more about the product and answer any questions you have.


Join Segment experts for industry insights and best practices advice, and check out recordings of past events.


The Segment team's latest thinking on all things data, product, marketing, and growth.


Follow live monitoring of Segment’s uptime and status updates on any identified performance issues.

Growth Masters

Learn how to build better products for your customers and grow your business. This collection of on-demand video lessons are led by industry thought leaders and deliver actionable recommendations on topics like user research, experimentation, onboarding, and more.

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