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NLB for FTP + Preserve client IP addresses


When I was looking for an FTP option for these rather old HMI systems, I opted for AWS Transfer Family. I found https://medium.com/@artem.hatchenko/aws-transfer-public-ftp-aea22d9e9eff and used it a few months ago. Today, in an effort to help improve the traceability and security I am trying to preserve the client IP addresses and use them during the authentication process which would provide a log and an ability to setup some WAF rate limiting to help with the brute force attempts.

However, whenever I enable preserve client IP address on the NLB I can no longer connect to the FTP server. It times out. What am I missing about this that causes it to not connect any longer.

asked 2 months ago352 views
1 Answer


What are the security group settings for AWS Transfer Family?
If you want to keep the client IP address, I think you need to configure the AWS Transfer Family security group to allow the IP address from the client.

So, how about setting up a security group in NLB and setting it to allow inbound rules of AWS Transfer Family's security group?

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • The SG is set to allow

  • I forgot to say I only have 1 VPC and 1 SG. So it is in the same SG as the Transfer Family server.

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