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The Moving Picture Experts Group

OMAF Developers' Day

Wednesday, 24 January 2018 - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Gwangju Kimdaejung Convention Center
30 Sangmunuriro, Seo-gu
South Korea

Omnidirectional MediA Format (OMAF) has progressed to FDIS stage in October, 2017. OMAF will ensure interoperability among various VR related services, systems and devices. In addition, OMAF will also enable control of quality of various areas in 360 degree video according to importance of them and streaming considering such quality differences over MPEG DASH and MMT.

OMAF Developers’ Day will be an event people who are actively implementing OMAF specification can demonstrate their products and services and also share their experiences and additional requirements with potential developers and users. 

Presenters: FhG IIS, HHI, Samsung, SJTU, SK Telecom

Logistics:   https://mpeg.chiariglione.org/meetings/121

Contact:      Youngkwon Lim (Samsung, e-mail: young dot l at samsung dot com)