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Returns and Exchanges
Hassle-Free Returns & Exchanges – Policy Requirements For Domestic Orders
    Merchandise can be returned for a full refund or exchanged within 30 days of the delivery date. After 30 days, merchandise can be returned for store credit or exchanged.

    To initiate a return or exchange for another item, simply click the button below, and follow the on-screen instructions:

    Return my order

    Prior to requesting a return, please review the guidelines of our return policy below:

    ✓ Please return items in brand new, unused condition, with all hang tags and packaging.

    ✓ Original order shipping charges, if applicable, are not refundable on correctly shipped orders.

    ✓ Upon receipt of returned goods, Montem Outdoor Gear reserves the right to deny a refund if the merchandise does not meet return policy requirements as outlined above. 

    ✓ All international sales are final (i.e., we cannot accept returns or exchanges).

    ✓ For returns and exchanges 30 days after delivery, discounted return labels will be provided.

    ✓ No products will be available for return or exchange 1 year after delivery (unless defective).