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Mass.gov Product Announcement Topic page changes designed to deliver information more quickly
Hello <<First Name>>:

Topic pages have undergone a significant redesign to help people find what they’re looking for with a lot less scrolling. The pages have also been opened up to allow links to many more content types. 

Only Mass Digital staff can create, publish, and unpublish Topic pages. But now, authors have new permissions for managing Topic page links. 

You don’t need to take action at this time, but consider reviewing Topic pages of interest and making changes to links. Reach out to the Mass Digital team through ServiceNow to request changes you are not able to make. 

The redesign

The Topic page changes are part of our broader Findability project aimed at helping Mass.gov visitors navigate the site more efficiently. 

Topic pages have been redesigned as a navigational feature rather than a destination page with more focus on getting visitors to links as quickly as possible.  

The size of the page header has been greatly reduced by eliminating the title banner and image. The familiar gray Topic cards that could be difficult to scan have been replaced by a series of more straightforward headings and accordion-style link lists. 

The link lists are compact by default and easy to scan. They can be expanded to reveal more detailed links on subjects of interest. 

More flexibility 

Topic pages have also been redesigned to accommodate more than just sub-Topic, Service page, and Organization page links. Now they can connect to most Mass.gov content types, plus link to documents, off-site applications, and non-Mass.gov pages. 

Topic pages themselves can still be linked from other Mass.gov content, including Organization pages. 

Your ability to manage links on Topic pages 

Authors now can manage links on most Topic pages. 

When you edit a Topic page, some fields such as the title and parent page will be read-only as the Mass Digital team works to keep a carefully structured topic hierarchy.  

But you can add, remove, and reorder the main links on the page. When doing so, you’ll want to keep in mind that the Topic page’s structure may have relevance to other state government organizations that have links on it. 

A small number of Topic pages at the very highest levels of the site navigation structure will be disabled for link management by authors and editors.  If you want to suggest a change to those, or a change in any other information on the Topic page that you can’t edit, please make a ServiceNow request. 

Learn more about Topic pages

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